About Me-Imologia

About Founder

Denise Micaela Spinelli
Italian writer and poet, creator of the Imologia.
She also works in the entertainment sector as a presenter, performer and commentator. She is a Doctor in Psychological Sciences and Techniques at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan with vote 110 and LODE / 110. She continued her studies through seminars and international courses. In 2012 she published her first book and in the following years there were other publications and artistic projects completed. As a leader, she manages her own team for common work purposes, and therefore has a crew of loyal collaborators who can work from different countries for different activities.


10/ 2010 – 07/2013 Degree in Psychological Sciences and Techniques with 110 and LODE / 110 Course of the Faculty of Psychology of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan
09/ 2005 – 07/ 2010 Diploma of Community Manager (focus: social activities) at the Marignoni Professional and Commercial Services institute - Via Melzi D’Eril 9 - 20154 Milan and previous three-year scientific training at the Scientific and Technological High School ITIS Mattei San Donato Milanese - Via Martiri di Cefalonia, 46 20097 Milan


2019  • March - April in Boston, individual lessons about Business management through students of Economics at Harvard University  • Basic Arabic course under the supervision of the teacher Valentina Di Bennardo 
2018 – to date  • I follow the courses of the company Alfio Bardolla Training Group, as Leader of Financial Education in Europe, since I believe that building a successful business and giving stability to its employees requires optimal financial preparation
2018  • I followed Roberto Re - Leadership School for “The Communication Bridge” and one-to-one Coaching sessions focused on achieving professional and personal goals
2017- 2018 • I attend the British School located in Via Giuseppe Frua 14 in Milan for the specialized and differentiated preparation in Linguistic-Business Training Projects
2016 - 2017 • Acquisition of the teachings of Meditation and Self-healing Tantric NgalSo with Lama Michel Rinpoche at the Kunpen Lama Gangchen and Albagnano Healing Meditation Center as “Institutes for the dissemination and study of the Tibetan medical tradition, Mahayana Vajrayana Buddhist practice and philosophy”

2015 • I completed The Fourth International Congress in “Plant Based Nutrition and Integral lifestyle” where I studied under T. Colin Campbell’s supervision as Professor Emeritus of Nutritional Biochemistry Cornell University and eCornell courses support

26/11/2013 CENTRO HT - HumanTrainer.com of Cesena (FC) certifies the complete attendance of the following courses:
2014-2015 • NLP Centre of Excellence ltd - is an approved centre for delivering ILM Qualifications. ILM - Institute of Leadership and Management is the UK's largest awarding body for leadership and management qualifications. I completed the necessary Training and Assessment in Neuro Linguistic Programming as NLP Practitioner with the experts in NLP, Hypnotherapy and CBT: Jimmy Petruzzi and Sara Lou-Ann Jones. NLP Centre of Excellence - 26 Woodford Road, Poynton, Stockport. SK12- 1DY
• Attestation: Personal Trainer Level I and registration (membership number 022141) at the Italian Sports Culture Association (AiCS), a sports promotion body recognized by CONI, and under the supervision of Dr. De Pascalis Pierluigi and the NonSoloFitness school 
15/10/2013 Workshop in Communication and Fashion Journalism by Eidos Communication Higher education at Palazzo delle Stelline Corso Magenta 61 - 20123 Milan
04/10/2013 Attending of Intensive Hypnosis Courses edited by Charlie Fantechi, Psychologist and Psychotherapist specializing in Hypnosis and Ericksonian Psychotherapy, certified NLP Trainer at Robert Dilts' NLP University in Santa Cruz (USA).
05/09/2013 Participation with certificate in practical workshops where basic techniques are taught to achieve inner well-being under the supervision of dr. Raffaele Morelli, president of the Riza Center for Natural Medicine, via Luigi Anelli 4 - 20122 Milan
01/09/2013 • Attestation: "Interpreter of the child drawing" • Attestation: "Interpreter of body language" Magni Crotti Studios, Viale Marche 35 - 20125 Milan
26/07/ 2013   Attestation as Autogenic Training Operator at “Il Centro Dimensione Profonda” in Milan under the supervision of the Dr. Roberto Giacomelli. 

Something more about skills
✓ Active Listening ✓ Communication ✓ Computer Skills ✓ Customer Service ✓ Interpersonal Skills ✓ Leadership
✓ Management Skills ✓ Problem-Solving ✓ Time Management ✓ Transferable Skills 
Longitudinal and transversal skills have been acquired during the Practical Guided Experiences and in extracurricular activities at the Catholic University of Milan: general and analytical observation techniques of the same situation, functional listening, interviewing techniques, different modes of exposure and ability to establish socio-empathic relationships. Ability to lead and manage the public acquired thanks to university and institutional lessons and conducted or working at multiple levels for the success of public events. Working at the media level in the television, film and journalistic sectors has increased interpersonal and teamwork skills, promoting self-esteem and the propensity to master situations and contingencies. Important aspects like adaptability, flexibility and ability to manage contingencies and intercultural exchanges, have been increased during numerous trips abroad which have also allowed me to create my network with the inhabitants of these countries: Brazil, New York, Miami, Maldives, Dubai, Turkey, Zanzibar, Mykonos, Australia, Jerusalem, Dominican Republic, Europe, Switzerland, London, Los Angeles, Thailand Las Vegas, Boston and so on.